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On not top page but the links page
Will you link each other?
Though a lot of sites where each other has been linked by the top page limitation are seen

To tell the truth, from top page Link Exchange
Links page Link Exchange does by obtaining.

Will having already linked each other by top page connect the Link Exchange on the page of links that became not no this site and top page but tree structures without the change in top page as it is (When it is difficult to be necessary to acknowledge of the other party change at once, it thinks, and, in addition, this result : with the intuition of man because it contradicts)?Of course, the site where the Link Exchange is not done at all is a very welcome. Both parties are sure to achieve the maximum effect without ruining the design of your important top page. Please read the following explanations about details. I hope the Link Exchange application in one and the Link Exchange system that was able to consent.

Please set up the link to this site first on your site when you request it to do prompt processing. I hope URL and the site name in that case ..the following...

Site name Online Casino Press
Comment Online casino special news site. From how of online casino to overwhelming volume of information like movement of probability theory and law maintenance etc. and online casino portal sites from beginner to semi-professional it that finish being satisfactory to play
Why do it become it so?
I will actually show the result of calculating page rank (PageRank™).

Let's be in the composition of the site some, and calculate here by two kinds (the crossing type and the tree type).

The crossing type is a site composition that can be moved to a page arbitrary even if an internal link of interactive exists in all pages, and it exists on which page. When a right and left navigation link is displayed in the full page like this site, it exactly becomes this crossing type.

On the other hand, the link between each page is a site composition that doesn't exist though the tree type has an internal link of interactive from top page to each page. The link to top page and other important page is established permanently in the upper part etc. of the page on all pages, and the site like Yahoo a model in most sites for the tree type.

Crossing type

Tree type

When there is no link from the outside at all
First of all, the site is made a site that consists of three pages of A・B・C for the simplification. Top page is A. Let's completely assume page rank initial value of the top page of the isolated site without the link from an external site to be 1.00.

Two links to the page from page A(TOP) to B・C exist for the crossing type. Because the share on page A is 1.00, this 0.50 will be distributed to page B・C. 0.25 is distributed to A・C because there is a link to A・C in page B that gets 0.50 on page A. A is added 0.25 gotten from B in addition to 1.00 that originally has it, and becomes 1.25 here. Then, the value distributed to B・C becomes the first 0.5 but (1.00+0.25)/2=0.625. Then, it is a value that the share of B changes again, distribution to A is calculated increasing ‥‥ and repeating some like this (one by one calculation), and the settled value requests. Details make to pulling out, and put out only the result though can solve actually as an eigenvalue problem of the procession more complexly, and be considered the transition probability between pages mathematically. It is upper right figure.

Please calculate on the following sites and look at the person who wants to self-verify it.
As for the result, all of and , pages became 1.00. Page rank on page A that is top page is ,in a word, 1.00 like an initial value.
For the crossing type
Under such a condition, how do it become it when each other is linked by top page?It is a figure below. In requiring one here, only worth is a light of the page of the inflow of the rank of the same as the rank of the page that flows out by the Link Exchange (in a word, equal Link Exchange).

It is crossing type-top page and a Link Exchange.

Page rank of your top page happily rose from 1.00 to 1.15. In the thing that the retrieval order such as Google goes up, the mistake is not found. Only this is a reason why the Link Exchange is made active.

It experiments here. Let's link each other on another page. The Link Exchange will be buried under existing page C here. You and the other party are top page even if it is said each other to say nothing of linking ahead. The calculation result is as follows.

It is a Link Exchange on crossing type- page C.

. Page rank of our top page will be called ..fall.. ‥‥ from 1.15 by 1.09. whether there is Link Exchange in top page wellHowever, please look at the following case ahead of that.

It is a Link Exchange on new crossing type- page D.

It is time when this newly causes page D as links, and linked each other there. Page D also is a complete crossing type and has all links to page (A・B・C) as well as other pages. Page rank of top page became 1.11. However, it has not reached the first 1.15 yet. Then, this is developed further. I will show the final form here.

It is a Link Exchange on new crossing type- page D. (final form)

The difference with a previous situation is a point whose links page newly set up is not a crossing type but a tree type. Only an external link Link Exchange ahead and an internal link to your top page exist in the page of links. Thus, page rank of your top page obtains a high value of 1.44 very much.

Why does such a thing cut it?In it, the tree type is a key. I will see the case of the tree type this time before it reveals the trick.
For the tree type
Page rank of top page when there is no link from the outside in the tree type at all is not an initial value of 1.00, and becomes 1.45. Page rank of top page rose because page rank of B・C had come to return to top page as it was by severing the link between B・C. Because "It is the same" had been linked in the crossing type all, it doesn't understand who the leading part is. Page A is done in the tree structure and focus is done as a leading part ‥ Thus, it does. To tell the truth, Google measures (SEO) are possible even by only no external factor, and changing the composition of your site merely. Which is it retrieved and page is the page that it wants you to see?Of course, it might be top page. In the crossing type, the possibility that top page can be seen rises greatly because any page thoroughly consolidates the rank in top page the page the tree in the type (Though other pages relatively fall) while it was 1.00‥ Thus, it does.

Well, if each other is linked from top page, it is likely to become it here very. It is a figure below.

It is tree type-top page and a Link Exchange.

Page ranks of top page rose up to 1.71. Page rank is from which pattern of the crossing type the so much onto. However, do not satisfy it here. Let's introduce new page D as a page of links, and have each other linked there.

It is a Link Exchange on new tree type- page D.

How?Were you surprised?Page rank of your top page is 1.90. It becomes a value that is higher than any other patterns. Linking each other on the links page that hits the subordinate position rises from the Link Exchange in the site composition in top page and page rank rises. Why does such a thing cut it?
Why are links of the tree type the best?
The distribution of your site to each page decreases at once when the Link Exchange ,in a word, an external link is set up by top page. When there was no external link in the tree type, top page was not 1.00 but was 1.45. As for this, page rank means "It is possible to raise it" thing in own site. It is ‥‥ of the operation of the brother of the capital whose fund is one million yen each other, and increasing up to 1.45 million yen if it compares and it says. However, when 300,000 yen is raised to an external person who it is top page and is "Others suddenly" among funds on hand of one million yen, the fund becomes only 700,000 yen. Naturally, the amount lowers compared with the fund one million yen though it is possible to increase by operating it of course. The amount of the total becomes only 1.71 million yen though 300,000 yen passed at first returns because it is a Link Exchange of course. Not so, it lends from younger brother D to an external person after the fund one million yen is operated enough, and the profit is secured, collecting it later grows, and a final profit grows.

Page rank of top page is too important. Finally, discharging page rank by top page outside decreases the possibility of increasing it for myself, and lowers your page rank. The other party of Link Exchange is completely the same thing.

It is time when an unequal Link Exchange has linked each other by links by the other party though you have linked each other by top page.

Let's link each other by the both parties top page because of "".

Because in the mistake to tell the truth in reality

Let's link each other by the both parties links because of "".

However, it is a correct answer. The person rises both you and the other party of Link Exchange page ranks, and can build the WIN-WIN relation exactly compared with the former.

To the end
The number of sites of total pages is A? in the rise of page rank calculated on from the Link Exchange when accurately saying. The thing that increases to page 4 on page 3 of C one occupies a big element. However, it is the same thing even if there are your 100-page page. Linking there making the page of links from the Link Exchange by top page rises and page rank of top page rises. An existing page is for your information A? in the following. When there are 25 pages about Y, let's show the calculation result when each other is linked by top page and when page Z is newly established and each other is linked there. Still, I think that it is understood that the links installation becomes page high rank.

It is tree type-top page and a Link Exchange.

It is a Link Exchange on new tree type- page Z.

Will top page connect the Link Exchange as it is (When it is difficult to be necessary to acknowledge of the other party change at once, it thinks, and, in addition, this result : with the intuition of man because it contradicts) on the page of links that became not no this site and top page but tree structures with the Link Exchanges already by top page?Of course, the site where the Link Exchange is not done at all is a very welcome. We will wait for the report. Because the link structure is a complete tree type, I think that it can draw out the maximum performance by using rel ="Nofollow" tag (note) though this site is a crossing type in the appearance.

Rel ="Nofollow" tag

Special tag to prevent page rank outflow that came to be recognized with Yahoo and Google, etc.It uses it in shape named < A href ="Nofollow" "Http://?" rel = >. It is not originally counted to page rank calculation linking in this tag is ahead by what was born for the comment spam measures such as Brog. The site structure is done and if links of the child pages other than top page are made nofollow, page rank calculation will be done to the crossing type as a tree type.
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