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How to play
Then, let's show whether to play in an online casino if actually stepping on what procedure. I want to take here as an example as an example of Club Dice Casino of recommendation No.1 for Japanese and to explain. Because most other casinos are one, I think that it easily completes other casinos if it remembers once here.

The procedure is seven of the following when roughly dividing.
  1. It goes to the casino site.
  2. The casino software be downloaded is installed.
  3. The user is registered.
  4. It plays in a free mode (Money actually : without betting).
  5. It plays by the real mode (Money is actually bet).
  6. Money is actually received.
  7. It realizes.
1. It goes to the casino site.
It doesn't start if not first going to a target casino site. Please open for Club Dice Casino clicking this because it is following URL.

It is enumerated most below as "Cagenosait links soon", and check the link list of a left menu to other casino sites if necessary, please.
2. The casino software be downloaded is installed.
I think that Window like the under does PopUp when going to the site of Club Dice Casino.
Please click 【OK】 here or click 【 game download 】 at the displayed center of the screen.
Then, please whether the program for the installation of the casino software is preserved or it executes it directly must be asked, and select leftmost 【Open 】 and execute it directly.
The Club Dice Casino installation wizard shows up. The wizard begins to download the software of Club Dice Casino. It takes about 10?12 minute for download in the case of the modem of 56Kbps.
Lower right 【 installation 】 is clicked because it becomes the following screens when the wizard ends download.
Then, it moves to the page of "Condition and rule". You may fly because here is English of the long sentence though wants to tell it to read carefully by me. Please click 【Agree 】 button when agreeing to the condition and the rule.
At last, an actual installation starts here. It drinks and the progress report of the installation is displayed for a while Ida below Window.
At last, when all the installations are completed, the main screen is displayed.
First of all, let's do "Free trial play". If "Free trial play" on the left side is clicked, it is OK.
3. The user is registered.
First of all, the Email address is asked. This is not cared about even if it skips at the free trial play, and click 【 leave 】 under the screen, please when you want to skip. Please click 【 make 】 after inputting a correct mail address when inputting it.
The user account for free play is continuously made. There are a lot of different casinos of the account of free play and real play that actually bets money, and here is the one. Please click 【 account making 】 above.
The same a little while ago screen has come out. Please input your mail address and click 【 make 】 here.
Then, user ID and the password of the account for free play are displayed, and put the memo, please. This content is transmitted also to the registered mail.
4. It plays in a free mode (Money actually : without betting).
If free play is selected after it starts, the user-name and the password for the free play made on the login screen are input, and 【 login 】 is clicked, it is OK.
5. It plays by the real mode (Money is actually bet).
It is this time a real mode. In the real mode, it differs from a free mode, and individual information on a detailed address etc. is registered. The following screens come out when the account making is selected after is playing selected by the real mode play.
In this case, please input the name and the address, etc. in English. General attention in English when it fills it in is recorded, and confirm it, please as follows.
  1. Name

    The name is written oppositely in known street and English. Please throw away such a self-insistence even to English on the casino site recently though there seems to be a movement said that it will previously write the family name. ..(.. ..laughter..)

    The family name is written as Family Name and Last Name, etc. , and I think that First Name and Given Name, etc. are written as for the name below.

  2. Address

    Because the address is needed without fail when the profit is received with the check etc. , let's accurately describe it. Also in the site for Japanese, because issuing the check becomes overseas in which it centers on the United States, it is safer to make everything an English mark to make sure.

    Please note becoming writing quite opposite to Japanese when you describe the address in English. It exemplifies it as follows.

    Tokyo Shinjuku Ward Takadanobaba 9-8-7 Palace Waseda 305

    Palace Waseda #305
    9-8-7 Takadanobaba
    - - the city or ** Simply you may write only ** (The example: Shinjuku), and you may write the ** city and the ** district (The example: Mitaka-Shi and Shinjuku-Ku) the district. Even if neither the city nor the district are purposely made English like Mitaka City or Shinjuku Ward, etc. , it is OK. The room number etc. will only have to be written following "#" that shows Number.

    What?Are the second houses printed in the 305th room in the pavilion?Then, I think that it only has to write # 2-305.

    The ZIP code is called ZIP Code in English. If the ZIP code of seven digits is filled in with the hyphen as 123-4567, it is OK. In that case, 1234567 and the figure will only have to be enumerated unusually excluding the hyphen because it might not be admitting hyphening according to the site.
The account name can be gotten as well as the account for free play. The password becomes the one specified for myself. If the user-name and the password are input after play by the real mode is selected thereafter, it is OK when making is completed.
6. Money is actually received.
To bet actual money, the chip will be bought from the casino. In question comes how to remit the purchasing price to the casino side. The easiness is to buy the chip from the casino with the credit card. However, the case where credit card companies do not admit purchase from an online casino recently is refused a lot. Then, it explains a detailed story around here on another page, and refer, please though it cannot help taking the means of the wire transfer etc.

The example of buying the chip with a credit card not refused is shown here also in very few online casinos. This credit card not refused recommends both free of charge, and to be acquired all like the annual membership fee etc. for an online casino though there are a lot of consumer credit systems (The point is yen doing).

Well, it moves to the payment processing screen if 'Cashier' certain point is clicked in Club Dice Casino.
The screen displayed first becomes a payment screen in the credit card. Let's register the credit card first clicking 'New credit card registration' at the center. Please fill everything in still in English on the credit card registration screen. If 【 registration 】 is clicked, it is registration safely completion. The registered credit card number is selected, and specification and CVV2 (the numeral figure of three digits per first on the right side described in the signature column in the back of the credit card) are input in each US dollar, 【 savings 】 is clicked, and the payment completion safely because it returns to a screen a little while ago as for the amount of purchase.

I think that it can start playing a game at once because it is almost reflected in the account for the credit card momentarily.
7. It realizes.
As for the realization, the method is different according to the casino. In general, there are a transfer etc. to the check, the wire transfer, and the NETeller account, and choose a means favorite (It is the cheapest of the commission), please. If the cashier clicks 【Hide is done 】 under the left, it is possible to move to the realization processing screen for Club Dice Casino.
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