Online Casino Press
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[ Game review ] >[PlayTech] of [ Online Casino Press ] > > [ Slot ] >[ Magic Slots (felt-tipped marker slot)]
Magic Slots(felt-tipped marker slot)Type equipped with progressive functionType equipped with bonus function
Magic Slots is a single line slot where the impression is the deepest in PlayTech. If it is not an online casino that made a clear distinction from the typical slot machine installed on the case, it is the single line slot machine of the style that cannot play.
Amount of jackpot prize now
When three patterns of the hat and gloves line up on Parain, the progressive jackpot can be acquired.

In addition, the bonus game is attached to this game, too. When three magic wands are collected, the bonus rushes into. If it goes out on Parain, the magic wand is acquisition. Therefore, there is ‥‥ of disappearing of the capital even if it gathers by two and it gets it. Safety because it is possible to play from "Continuation" when being play next time because of course two collected states are preserved for a long time. A different bonus prize can be obtained by choosing one in four bonus stages from among the hat that is.
Magic Slots (felt-tipped marker slot) Bonus screen
For novice

The card that can be used in the casino is JCB.
Casino introduction and review
 PlayTech system
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 CryptoLogic system
 GrandVirtual system
 RandomLogic system
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