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What data flows?
Is the software of an online casino anxious what data you do not exchange it is not achieved?The data actually sent and received will be seen. Club Dice Casino is used for the sample here.
Immediately after start
First of all, the inquiry using the following HTTP protocols is transmitted immediately after the start. The HTTP protocol is the same protocol (method and mechanism) as seeing the Web page.
Immediately after start
It accesses the address named, and the response (packet of piece second) responds normally with "HTTP/1.1 200 OK". The site named was safely displayed to be brief. As for writing, only a simple objection "There is no Update" what there. The Web site is described with HTML, and only HTTP is used to send and receive data here, and the response need not be HTML. A mere text sentence is acceptable, and acceptable an original data form.

I see ..the check on whether... renew software immediately after the startWell, how do it become it after it logs it in next?It is the following screen.
After it logs it in
After it logs it in
It is this time understood that the protocol named SSLv3 is used. SSL is the one used by the online banking etc. of the bank in the encrypted HTTP protocol. Please look at the part of raw data under the screen. What on earth data it is is not understood at all. This is because original binary data is not used but data is encrypted. All data is sent and received with this SSL, and there is no art to understand whether it completely has and what data sent and received after this. I think that the data of an online casino safely understands secure at same level of the bank as online banking. Even if data is falsified on the way, it is possible to detect by the mechanism of SSL, and you might be relieved of room where injustice enters it in not being.

By the way, it is the following screens that this a series of SSL data took out only the data division at the beginning among parts.
SSL stream
There is a character that can be understood in parts. After it is notified, "Will sleep suitably in the such and such in so and so and such a wind because it encrypts it in the future" while non-encrypted, it encrypts it first because it encrypts from the beginning even if it is said that it will encrypt it and the cod opponent doesn't understand. Therefore, a part of the first data is being written in the shape that man (To the machine) also understands like this.

Character strings such as "Verisign Trust Network1.0" or "Clubdice Ltd." and "Antigua and Barbuda" are seen here and there when seeing. The first "Verisign" is a third party organization that rules all of the SSL communication of this world, and the organization that secures the validity of data. Data cannot be stolen by an online casino of Nise appearing. The third "Antigua and Barbuda" is a government to which Club Dice Casino has received the license issue here. It seems to have to declare the country that belongs.

To our regret, our understanding : here. What data concretely sent and received cannot be understood. Everything is encrypted and it is impossible to analyze it.
Timing of data sending and receiving
Still, the content of data is understood according to what timing data is sent and received until not understanding. It is the following graph.
SSL stream
Please pay attention to a blue line. This is almost the same as timing in which the slot is turned. In a word, when the slot is turned, the fact "Turned" is transmitted to the server of an online casino. Lot is done on the online casino side, and then, the hit coming off is decided, and the result is returned at once. The hit coming off is decided momentarily at the time of beat the lever to tell the truth this is not to limit to an online casino and to apply to pachinko and the pinball-style slot machine. It decides momentarily at the time of entered the entrance of winning a prize the gem if it is pachinko. As for the reach action and other production, all mere production doesn't pass.

What goggle-eyed you put out based on the result of similarly receiving the online casino software has been decided. Is software chosen, is a suitable pattern displayed or as for coming off, it is uncertain also in coming off whether to specify even the coming off goggle-eyed pattern on the online casino server side from among the pattern of the coming off goggle-eyed where the result "Come off" is only received and it goes up to the great number.
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