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Lista dell'articolo in 2006
<<2006 >>
Il giorno della madre dei dadi del randello è un'indennità di astonishment. 150%
Il Casino dei dadi del randello esegue l'indennità del fiammifero di 150% di astonishment con l'oggetto del membro di VIP come evento di giorno della madre il 14 maggio. La quantità del pagamento più basso è $500 e la quantità di più alta indennità è ‚che $3 è 000. La quantità dell'indennità si trasforma in in $750 al pagamento $500. Ciò è terribile. … (2006/05/05 di 00:05)
La corsa di Las Vegas è colpita dall'accoppiamento.
Il gruppo trident del Casino del Casino di s e del salotto del re Nettuno 'Trident sta eseguendo la campagna affinchè l'accoppiamento de Las Vegas viaggi ed al presente tre giorni - una persona dal lotto secondo il totale del gioco in maggio. L'entrata del lotto al viaggio a Las Vegas è una di maggio a tempo standard del Giappone. (2006/05/04 di 23:47)
‚Di prova 500 di quantità $2 del drago di mah-jong delle mattonelle fortunate di stile più alto
“La prova fortunata delle mattonelle di stile di mah-jong del drago„ è eseguita in Imperial Casino per la fine di maggio. Se il codice del buono chiamato 5DRAGONS è di immettere quando i soldi sono ricevuti, il metodo di partecipazione cucinerà “il drago fortunato mah-jong„ di video scanalatura che rende al mah-jon'un motivo con l'APPROVAZIONE la maggior parte per la fine del mese. (2006/05/04 di 23:32)
L'industria del salone di Pachinko ed il misfire degli stock hanno elencato il rifiuto di applicazione di Jasdaq
I seguenti articoli sono stati pubblicati in Asahi Shimbun. Sembra che la cosa di Pearc semi-principale che ha fatto l'applicazione dell'elencato di il 29 dicembre l'anno scorso è indicata che comunque il nome dell'azienda non è dato. Il motivo è una persona opaca dei tre punti. essere elenco rifiutato dell'impresa del corridoio (2006/04/29 di 19:32)
Il Casino " la limita severamente. “Proposta di proibizione dell'atmosfera nel sottocomitato e nelle facilità Liberale-Democratici del partito
I seguenti articoli sono pubblicati in Asahi Shimbun. Il sottocomitato dell'esame di intrattenimento del casino del partito Liberale-Democratico che ha puntato sulla legalizzazione del casino (presidente Tsuyoshi della caverna) ha presentato ad una relazione provvisoria la ventisettesima. I turisti stranieri dello scopo dell'introduzione del casino sono stati designati. (2006/04/27 di 15:31)
Il patrocinio del casino sta scegliendo indica del conflitto al comune, al partito Liberale-Democratico ed alla legalizzazione.
Ha segnalato nella figura che Nikkei Shimbun cita l'articolo di consegna su servizio di notizie di Kyodo come segue. “Il sottocomitato dell'esame di intrattenimento del Casino„ del partito Liberale-Democratico (presidente Tsuyoshi della caverna) ha portato “scegliere indica del conflitto„ per legalizzazione del casino (casa di gioco) insieme sul quindicesimo. (1) sotto del casino. (2006/04/19 di 23:05)
Nuova rinascita provvisoria del sistema di scambio di collegamento
Alcuni nuovi sistemi di scambio di collegamento sono stati restituiti ad un vecchio numero di versioni ed è stato fatto rivivere. Grazie benchè abbia ritoccato per dividersi in due o più pagine quando il numero che include il numero di registro una pagina è oltrepassato perché il sig. Google non può prenderlo quando il registro aumenta. (2006/04/16 di 23:49)
Il sistema di scambio di collegamento sta analizzando.
Il sistema di scambio di collegamento è supposto divertire. L'analisi dell'insetto ora sta avanzanda. Aspettare prego anche la rinascita per un istante. Tutti i collegamenti non sono sparito perché i dati precedenti sono sicuri ed alleviare, soddisfare. Ba quando. (2006/04/16 di 23:19)
Il gioco era ugualmente high e l'ospite è stato ridotto dalla metà.   Dove di 30 cerchi di trilione pachinko
Un tal articolo è stato pubblicato in Asahi Shimbun. I soldi sono spesi appena anche se andando al pachinko ed alla felicità non è capito. La metà ai vecchi tempi ch'il numero di coloro che gioca in pachinko diminuisce alla vicinanza ed all'industria sta approfondendo il senso della crisi. Parzialmente parzialmente a causa del cambiamento nella limitazione. (2006/04/16 di 22:55)
È un divieto di gioco nel rappresentante di calcio della Gran-Bretagna.
Tali notizie sono entrato. Ogni giornale britannico ha datato il nono segnalato che Wein Roony Inghilterra rappresentativa il FW (20= Manchester U) aveva dovuto il debito di 700.000 libbre (circa 147 milione Yen) nel gioco. Proviene privatamente una cosa di scommessa dall'inizio di questa stagione fra i giocatori rappresentativi. (2006/04/16 di 22:50)
IPod è colpito nella fotografia dei dadi del randello materiali.
Nel Casino dei dadi del randello, la fotografia in cui il Casino dei dadi del randello è stato usato per i precedenti ecc. è reclutata. Tre genti del giocatore che ha trasmesso una fotografia particolare e unica sembrano vincere il iPod. Il periodo di reclutamento completamente in aprile. L'indirizzo della spedizione della fotografia è [email protected]. Cervine. (2006/04/03 di 23:15)
Ciò è vantaggiosa. Ventisettesima volta 30 dal perno aquisizione il 24 aprile del panno morbido.
È stato annunciato che il pagamento di $1 o più è stato rifinito per il periodo il ventisettesimo dal 24 aprile nel Casino dei dadi del randello ed ha presentato il valore di un perno del panno morbido al giocatore che ha fatto fare la rotazione 20 volte o più per tre riten-hanno capovolto la bobina della scanalatura dell'indicatore del jackpot progressivo 30 volte. F. (2006/04/03 di 23:14)
Storia eccellente sulla settimana della st Patrick
storia Auto-fatta sulla settimana della st Patrick reclutata dal 13 marzo al diciottesima. La storia eccellente è annunciata. Sembra essere un lavoro nel sig. Jean. Stavo sedendo sulla parte anteriore del personal computer il 17 marzo un anno fa. Il casino che lo pensa è uneasy. (2006/04/03 di 23:13)
tasso in linea di Paout del Casino 32Red nel febbraio 2006
Il tasso di Paout del Casino in linea 32Red nel febbraio 2006 è stato annunciato. Si stabilizza. Buon. genere di .machine. .becoming completano. perché si stabilizza in un d'alto valore benchè ci sia una teoria di non essere, anche. cambiare in ritardo al tipo del gioco la nuova introduzione del gioco con stabilità (2006/04/03 di 23:12)
Tasso di Paout del salotto di Trident nel febbraio 2006
Il tasso di Paout del Casino del salotto di Trident nel febbraio 2006 è stato annunciato. È venuto. Paout 99.11% della scanalatura. Questo valore è aspettato e. Tuttavia, perchè esso grande ed è il valore differente Casino di s del re da Nettuno '? I programmi sono. (2006/04/03 di 23:11)
Il Casino Paout di s del re Nettuno 'valuta nel febbraio 2006
Il tasso di Paout Casino di s del re di Nettuno 'nel febbraio 2006 è stato annunciato. La scanalatura vola basso come di consueto. Non raggiunge lontano dal numero di gioco delle scanalature attuali o di nuovo bidet benchè la nuova video scanalatura ogni mese sia stata introdotta in una versione inglese. (2006/04/03 di 23:10)
Drago fortunato mah-jong della video scanalatura Mah-jong
Drago fortunato mah-jong infine liberato. Il Imperial Casino è una video scanalatura del tipo di mah-jong del colpo di. .possession. per quanto riguarda in pieno. I particolari sono presupposti per essere un trasferimento nella recensione fortunata di mah-jong del drago e, in ogni modo, per quanto riguarda questo nuovo gioco, il punto che dovrebbe essere paid attenzione è abbondanza. Kizaco e Junko, ecc. (2006/03/29 di 01:08)
Cagenotorope si ritira da un mercato giapponese.
Cagenotorope, un casino del filetto del Vega, il del Rio del casino e un casino europeo si ritireranno da un mercato giapponese. Con software compor di PlayTech ed entrambe le code di Cagenotorope particolarmente nel Casino di Zipang del ・ del Casino dei dadi del randello ed è una persona. (2006/03/28 di 00:00)
Final Fantasy XII e sviluppo del sistema
È il casino. .everybody. fatto? I? Tempo non può essere risparmiato facilmente dopo in marzo ed in un silenzio lungo interamente. Il motivo è due. È sistema di sviluppo di Final Fantasy XII e di fotoricettore. Final Fantasy XII è Eni quadrato il 16 marzo come sapere. (2006/03/25 di 02:35)
La video scanalatura del mah-jong è infine l'apparenza questa conclusione del mese.
Nella video scanalatura del programma del rilascio per la volta prossima del Imperial Casino, l'apparenza ed il mah-jong sono infine le video scanalature del tema. Il titolo sembra essere un drago fortunato mah-jong e Hanapai, lle mattonelle di stagione e Fupai e tre mattonelle, ecc. precedenti da essere modelli. Questa video scanalatura è questo mese. (2006/03/15 di 12:02)
Rilascio dell'edizione in marzo di Trident Tribune
L'edizione di marzo di Trident Tribune è stata liberata. Il soddisfare è abbondanza questo mese. Il mistero è risolto dalla ricerca dell'oro della caratteristica questo mese. Corsa dell'avventura dell'eccitamento emozionante. Non si arresta in nessuno. Progresshi di trident. (2006/03/15 di 11:32)
È indennità Zipang del fiammifero di 100% durante il mese di marzo.
La campagna per presupporre la prima volta di indennità durante il mese di marzo essere indennità del fiammifero di 100% sta eseguenda nel Casino di Zipang. Latta nessun ballo per ogni prima volta di 100%. La comprende male con il Casino dei dadi del randello certamente. .you… Una prima volta di indennità usuale del Casino di Zipang. (2006/03/15 di 11:31)
Il giapponese è una settimana della st Patrick con un premio di sconosciuto $2.500.
Lo conoscete siete un bollettino del Casino dei dadi del randello e là è “la st settimana del Patrick„? È Borna di $2.500 in un totale di cinque genti quando trasmetterglielo non lo gioca nella tenuta del casino nel caso ora ma esattamente facendo una storia originale. (2006/03/15 di 11:30)
Circa cooperazione “nella riunione che risparmia„
Informerò che una pressa in linea del Casino è stata presupposta per essere la cooperazione nella finanza di campagna che è fatta ora per conservare sul quattordicesima. È e) è. Ishiishiai (. piano dalla spiegazione del luogo ufficiale della vita della città de Tokyo Tama di citazione. (2006/03/14 di 23:25)
888. Tenuta il 22 aprile del partito di amicizia di COM
Informa Afirieitar. 888. Il partito di amicizia di COM di patrocinio è progettato a Tokyo sabato il 22 aprile. È indecisa perché il corridoio è deciso dopo che i numeri rotondi del numero di partecipazione risultino nella fase attuale. Il programma del miglioramento di guadagni è. .hit. (2006/03/14 di 23:15)
Introduzione ClubDice di indennità di 10% nel pagamento del ePassporte
È stato annunciato che il Casino dei dadi del randello ha offerto l'indennità di 10% al pagamento da ePassporte in Tsne. l'indennità di 10% già era stata offerta al pagamento di NETeller nel significato che ha reso ad ammenda per la commissione. EPassporte di nuovo servizio è NETeller simile. (2006/03/10 di 08:20)
La funzione speciale ha montato sul nuovo gioco Kathmandu
Nuovo del gioco Kathmandu di MicroGaming. Fornisce la nuova caratteristica che dovrebbe essere attenzione paid in questo gioco ed in linea ed il casino per dire alla verità benchè gli occhi sembrino essere privati da Wheel dell'edizione speciale di ricchezza liberata simultaneamente e non essere prestati l'attenzione così tanto. È Ri. (2006/03/06 di 23:12)
Casino bianco di Zipang di indennità $10 di giorno
Il Casino di Zipang ha annunciato che gli presenterebbe l'indennità $10. soltanto detto, “Howaitodabornas„ con la chiacchierata o la posta di sostegno fra il 13 marzo 01: 00 di 2006 e 21 marzo 01: 00 di 2006 e non hanno esistito. stati di indennità di .all the ..... (2006/03/06 di 23:10)
Tasso di Paout del Casino dei dadi del randello nel gennaio 2006
Il tasso di Paout del Casino dei dadi del randello nel gennaio 2006 è stato annunciato. Tutto il gioco sembra non avere fluttuazioni grandi. Le nuove del gioco dell'introduzione influenze appena ed esso potranno dirsi quasi che era una regolazione dell'equivalenza con un valore stabilito esistente. Scanalatura e bidet. (2006/03/06 di 23:09)
Tasso di Paout del Casino degli S.U.A. nel gennaio 2006
Il tasso di Paout del Casino degli S.U.A. nel gennaio 2006 è stato annunciato. Il tasso di nove Paout del roulette che precisa splendido ha fissato il valore di teoria ultimo mese. Il valore 94.74% di teoria notevolmente è rimosso perchè ed è 96.82% ed alti valori questo mese. Ci era una persona che lo aveva guidato con successo. (2006/03/06 di 23:08)
Tasso di Paout del Casino di Carnival nel gennaio 2006
Il tasso di Paout del Casino di Carnival nel gennaio 2006 è stato annunciato. In particolare, entrambi altri giochi sono livelli di 97% comunque sono un tal valore che dovrebbe essere attenzione paid e sono 97.28% la sintesi e sono soppressi la scanalatura al livello basso con 96%. A proposito, attraverso alcuni mezzi. (2006/03/06 di 23:07)
Il Casino Paout di s del re Nettuno 'valuta nel gennaio 2006
Il tasso di Paout Casino di s del re di Nettuno 'nel gennaio 2006 è stato annunciato. La scanalatura è un valore crudele dopo l'ultimo mese e un livello di 93.13%. 93%, livello di 98%, livello di 92% e livello di 93% e specialmente circa 93% è valore e desiderio stabiliti. soltanto in novembre la transizione da ottobre l'anno scorso. (2006/03/06 di 23:06)
The Paout rate of Trident Lounge Casino in January, 2006 was announced. The playing poker game that achieves the excess last month by 100% suppresses with a jerk this month and is about 97%. It settles down as a whole in a low figure 95.57% and all. The slot is King Neptune 's Casino. (2006/03/06 23:05)
The Paout rate of 32Red Online Casino in January, 2006 was announced. The keep does a good as usual value. This figure is very good compared with the Paout rate of s Casino and King Neptune 'Trident Lounge Casino that uses the same software made of the MicroGaming company. (2006/03/06 23:04)
S Casino and King Neptune 'Trident Lounge Casino announced the thing that All Aces Video Poker and Casino War are added to the exclusion game that did not meet the bonus requirement. Play by these games is . when filling it as for playing the most small condition of promotion already. (2006/03/05 02:20)
At last in today, because site manager's PC was broken until yesterday, long-awaited Wheel of Wealth Special Edition was able to be played. The review was immediately written, and refer, please. Well, though it wrote in the review. (2006/03/05 01:00)
To tell the truth, site manager's PC has broken ago on around the tenth. It returned from the repair plant two days ago, and it revived to the level to which the site was able to be updated at last today (The re-doing of all from the installation of OS). Is it a source of this site and huge? (2006/03/05 00:59)
There is a crime for which an independent composition requirement is the act of conflicting the aspect by the agreement of opposed intention of two people or more who oppose and are called ..violation.." in the crime .."... For instance, bribery charge and crime of receiving a bribe. It approves as a crime only after there is both the side that offers a bribe and the received side. (2006/02/28 16:10)
A small article that touched was on a roll. moved to the casino legalization by the Liberal-Democratic Party Kyodo News ServiceBecause the article is delivered to a lot of newspapers all over Japan, Kyodo News Service is an impact and is Impresshi from the article in one newspaper though there is no specially new information. (2006/02/26 20:43)
News of online casino net cafe prosecution in Kyoto that struck close to home to online casino field in morning. A more detailed article is published in the Kansai version of Asahi Shimbun. It is said that the net cafe casino is a new money source of the crime syndicate. (2006/02/24 22:19)
The news of the impact has jumped into it. I hear that the online casino user in a so-called net cafe was prosecuted for the first time according to Asahi Shimbun. Inta in which users in net casino were established in foreign countries on first prosecution Kyoto and suspicion of gambling. (2006/02/24 06:24)
It challenged practice by the technique for advocating it by probability theory 2 at the stop. It is "Alchemist's Lab" to choose after first make it to which model variously worrying. In this strategy that should continue until hitting ..time.. ..small.. hitting 20 and including it in the worst pattern. (2006/02/21 01:37)
Recently, the newspaper is interesting. The content "Is the aging aging newspaper good in such the impolite wording?" is seen ..personal idea bare.. uncommonly on the editorial and the column side though a public container is taken off on the article side. It plays by the column and .. (2006/02/20 13:08)
I hear that mayor Mitsuo between Tadashi in Okinawa Prefecture Urasoe City clarified that the casino attracting is examined about the site use for the U.S. military Cou replenishment district in the same city where the restoration is examined by the American troops stationed in Japan reorganization on the 17th according to the report of the Yomiuri Shimbun. The mayor between Tadashi. (2006/02/18 17:51)
The design of the calendar display in the article list is greatly changed, and externals are modeled and made with Canredar of "Google Analytics" that is the access analysis tool that Google is offering. It is very use fortune-tellings that it is a date and three stages. (2006/02/17 19:22)
Introduction by probability theory at stop, and indicator at stop. Hereafter, you will meet ten women with a view to marriage. Whenever saying that you are OK, the meeting with a view to marriage approval is done. However, it is necessary to put out OK by ten people. Even if OK is done by of course the first person, it is a kitchen range. (2006/02/17 11:43)
Are not you the loan of the bonus is necessary to get it.. ..getting.. ..Naya..?Whenever the bonus is gotten, the bonus condition shadows it. The baud because it got it though a large hit of $1,000 was put out by "Sitting 1" and the immediate effect in the $100 payment. bonus $100 (2006/02/11 22:22)
It was announced that it would present a free bonus of $25 to the player who had bet "Love Bugs" of 20 line slot during the $500 minute on February 14 in InterCasino Japan. This bonus is a present life bonus that can be immediately drawn out. it not is ..all the bonus conditions..Attention is $5... (2006/02/11 22:21)
Two weeks in InterCasino Japan of the future were announced that it presented the bonus of $100 to one person by lot whenever one Japanese player acquired the gold medal in the Turin Olympic Winter Games of Italy. . ..the choice... random this bonus (2006/02/11 22:20)
The tournament that pays the entry fee of $25 in InterCasino Japan every month and acquires victory money to $3000 has been held. The tournament into which investment money can be expanded up to 120 times only by exposing $25 to the risk is only ideal in the beginner. (2006/02/11 22:19)
The review of a new game that the early release is done in an English version of MicroGaming was published. One is Mardi Gras of one reel slot. This was ..honest Imaiti.. game. ..another one.. number of fleece pins and and the magnification are also new ..the change... (2006/02/06 21:00)
The Paout rate of Casino On Net in December, 2005 was announced. Being not able to get is 94.37% of the slot though a high value is done in the keep overall. It is too low for a moment for the error margin. As for the theory value, 95% or less is expected. Kind. (2006/02/06 17:09)
The Paout rate of Zipang Casino in December, 2005 was announced. Twenty-one came. 99.15%。Did the player of equivalent Tene it put cross-fire?Or, it is likely to have succeeded in Caunting splendidly in a live version. (2006/02/06 17:04)
The Paout rate of USA Casino in December, 2005 was announced. Attention is 94.97% of roulette. Roulette in the USA casino follows splendidly though there is only an American ..there.. though it is 94.74% the probability theory. The error margin is 0.23%. This figure is a back. (2006/02/06 17:03)
The Paout rate of Club Dice Casino in December, 2005 was announced. It seems to do the tendency last month in the keep as it is overall. The slot is also even with 96% level 96% level and the video playing poker, and slot < video pokers seen in other casinos. (2006/02/06 17:02)
The Paout rate of Carnival Casino in December, 2005 was announced. The slot was good for a moment and ..high rate that approached 100%.. Bideoporcar ended in low with 97.04% by 96.56% by as a whole 97.1%. This tendency is quite the same as last month. Poker shop. (2006/02/06 17:01)
An Online Casino Press recommended Zipang Casino for 3rd place of the recommendation casino. In USA Casino that has taken the seat in 3rd place up to now, and Club Dice Casino recently are taking . in 3rd place from the earliness etc. of the introduction of the new game as for all these new works games. (2006/02/06 15:54)
Imperial Casino announced the tournament holding that had commemorated the Olympic Winter Games in 2006 held in Italy and Turin. The object game is new slot machine "Go Go Gold" released in February. Money is received, the participation condition is "TORI... (2006/02/06 13:55)
EPassporte introduces in article on "New payment means ePassporte". The virtual VISA card that can be used in all online casinos is prepared, and Crege on hand though the credit card of Japan is refused in a lot of online casinos. (2006/02/04 01:54)
Zipang Casino announced that it would present it the $10 bonus. only said, "Barentaimbornas" with the support chat or mail between February 13th 01:00 of 2006 and February 21th 01:00 of 2006, and did not exist ..all the bonus conditions..... (2006/02/04 00:55)
Such a discussion has occurred on a certain site. "It is especially ..** casino.. doubtful, and Bottaing turned over by and ..might be done the back operation with the software of the PlayTech system... "Over and over again after completing an online casino. (2006/02/01 23:23)
Club Dice Casino announced holding the twenty-one tournament for a long term from February 16 to the 23rd. The following prizes are presented by the user who played by twenty-one a lot for this period. 1st place $3, 0002th place $2, 0003th place $1, and 0. (2006/02/01 23:22)
Club Dice Casino announced the tournament holding with Dr. Lovemore of the new video slot on February 14. The bonus of $2,000 every 12 title people after a lot of Dr. Lovemore is played on February 14 in total is given. Neither each order nor the amount of the prize are announced. ... (2006/02/01 23:21)
It was announced that the tournament of Spin 2 Millions of the new video slot would be held in two days February 4 and the fifth in Club Dice Casino. The following total $5,000 is presented to the player of ten title people after a lot of spins are made to be going to be done in two days. 1st place $2 and 5002th place. (2006/02/01 23:20)
It was announced that it would present "Surprise bonus" to VIP member who had received $500 or more for February 14 in Club Dice Casino. Because Carnival Casino plans 100% bonus to $1,000 though the content of the surprise is not revealed. (2006/02/01 23:19)
Carnival Casino announced the tournament of new video slot "Dr. Lovemore" and 100% bonus to $1,000 as promotion in February. "Dr. Lovemore" The tournament is named "Cupittopromortion". ... (2006/02/01 23:18)
It was announced that King Neptune 's Casino presented the scratch card that ten people win various commodities every day from Monday to Thursday February. It is either of the commodity as follows. There is very coming off, too. 100% Bo to highest $200. (2006/02/01 23:17)
It was announced that King Neptune 's Casino issued the Raffles ticket according to the amount of payment in February, and presented the hot spring trip to one person by lot by the pair on the weekend. Because internal is managed piece issue of five times or more tickets after receiving $50 or more by play.. ..(... (2006/02/01 23:16)
It was announced to present 100 times the first every five people the lock as a prize when seven of the diamonds won the dealer by three 21 hands in twenty-one in Zipang Casino. $10 when you do the bed to MAX because the prize is maximum amount $1,000. (2006/01/30 00:11)
Casino On Net announced to one person the highest class hotel in Gold Coast in Australia by lot by the pair from among the player who received money for the first time in February that it traveled and it presented five days. Having already established the account and playing : in off the subject. (2006/01/30 00:10)
It was announced that Casino On Net would give the bonus of $30 by collecting the bonus-point 30 points by receiving $100 or more on February 14(It was 15:00 from 03:00 on February 14 in Japan standard time for 15 days). To receive money at this time zone, the player that payment is scheduled before and behind this :. (2006/01/30 00:09)
Casino On Net announced the outline of the video playing poker tournament executed at both days of February 11 and the 12th. One ticket of each constant bed is acquired, and the following bonuses are presented by 50 the ticket acquisition number high rank people. 1st place: $6502th place: $50... (2006/01/30 00:08)
It was announced that Casino On Net did customary Kinotornament in 24 hours from February 9th 15:00 to February 10th 14:59 at the United States east part the ninth and Japan standard time of February in time. Please see the following about the outline of Kinotornament. $50 payment of participation condition while event is held. Poi. (2006/01/30 00:07)
Casino On Net was announced at the United States east part the seventh and Japan standard time of February in time that 10%(maximum amount $500) would be refunded to the player that had vanished after the payment of $100 or more the account balance by 24 hours from February 7th 15:00 to February 8th 14:59. It was a disadvantage of about 20% last month. (2006/01/30 00:06)
Casino On Net announced the holding outline for February of customary "It turned round and round and slot tournament". The period is five days from February 4. The outline of "It turns round and round and slot tournament" is as follows. One ticket of each bed of five dollars. (2006/01/30 00:05)
It was announced to begin the Neteller payment bonus of a Japanese limitation in Imperial Casino on January 28. The amount of the bonus is 100% match bonus (maximum amount $100). The input of the coupon code of "NTJP0106" when money is received without forgetting. This Bo. (2006/01/29 00:17)
Kiwi Casino announced promotion that commemorated Setsubun. One game is counted as one bean, and it presents the bonus of $250 to the player who threw out a lot of beans (Played in the most a lot of games) for until January 26th - February 5th. (2006/01/27 00:21)
I hear that the Liberal-Democratic Party decided the policy of will set up the project team that discusses the casino opening with the party Policy Affairs Research Council next week according to the report of Asahi Shimbun on the 25th. The local government etc. are sightseeing according to the article though the casino is prohibited by the criminal law. (2006/01/26 22:49)
The review of two video slots of the Grand Virtual system was newly added. Kiterets laboratory. It is a masterpiece that can be called the work of the whole body of Grand Virtual by the video slot to which the cactus Jack either was released recently. Having been released. (2006/01/25 23:44)
A new payment means seems to have appeared in the Club Dice Casino system. The point of the dissemination company in Japan can be bought by a usual bank transfer etc. , and the points be exchanged as a chip of the casino. Official site . at present. (2006/01/25 22:01)
Imperial Casino released new video slot "Shopping heaven". ..aspect.. now, this slot is white in the compliment pulling out. Even the man can enjoy it by passing enough though it seems to make the woman a target. Excess saddle. (2006/01/25 13:02)
PlayTech of which it had a rough going to the page of the jackpot list from which the amount of the jackpot of the total game of all software was seen in bulk to the last minute was added, and it completed it. The method of acquiring the data of PlayTech with the text base has been understood. (2006/01/24 18:26)
The image was added to the page of the game list. I think it is convenient to do the game comparison from a part of the title and the introduction sentence though it has become considerably heavy. It is only indeed a title. increase indeed only as for this the number of games (2006/01/22 23:53)
The profit of eGaming Review paper twist and [ an overseas article ]32Red Online Casino in fiscal year 2005 seeming is 17.19 million dollars of 67% increase(about two billion yen) compared with in total fiscal year 2004 of the playing poker room and the casino. To Himino in the playing poker unit in the previous year while it was 57% in the casino unit compared with the previous year. (2006/01/22 18:02)
The Paout rate of Zipang Casino in November, 2005 was announced. The video playing poker became this month and the slot became 95% and typical low ratios high with 99% though any genre was 97.98% and straight lines last month. The average is PlayTech system by 97.99% and almost 98%. (2006/01/22 01:08)
The Paout rate of Club Dice Casino in November, 2005 was announced. It is all items including the total and good figures from last month excluding roulette. Attention is a value of 97.11% of the slot. It is an inside, and 97%.. that 95% level continues anywhere recently. (2006/01/22 01:07)
The Paout rate of Carnival Casino in November, 2005 was announced. It is a minus by all items compared with last month though there is respect that last month was too good. Still, the keep does 97% excluding roulette. Club Dice Casino was also so. (2006/01/22 01:06)
The Paout rate of King Neptune 's Casino in December, 2005 was announced. It is announced until December at a dash though the announcement in November was late. The slot is a cruel value. It is 92.07%. There seems fairly to be a wave with 98% level in 93% level and November in October. (2006/01/22 01:05)
The Paout rate of Trident Lounge Casino in December, 2005 was announced. The playing poker game has exceeded 100%. It is a little low with 96.29% as a whole. That should be so, both the slot and the table game are a little sluggish with 95% level. However, Ho. (2006/01/22 01:04)
The Paout rate of 32Red Online Casino in December, 2005 was announced. It exceeds it beforehand by 100%, and it comes and playing poker this month has begun to beat down 99.39% and high again prices with 98.44% last month. It gutters the level though whether the slot is a good thing or it is a bad thing is not understood. 95% (2006/01/22 01:03)
The Paout rate of Imperial Casino in the fourth quarter of 2005(December 31, 2005 from October 1, 2005) was announced. It is a slot anxious though the table game system is a value almost close to the theory value. Set Paout might be 95%. (2006/01/22 01:02)
It has challenged not an online casino but the land casino today. However, the game center in not Las Vegas but local. The second floor floor in a huge game center of four stories on the ground is the the state as it is Cagenofroa, and the foreigner :. (2006/01/21 17:28)
It was announced that Trident Group that managed King Neptune 's Casino・Trident Lounge Casino released four following new games on January 30, 2006. Harvey 's Multi-Hand Bonus BlackjackDeuces Wild 100 Play (five reel 25 line video slot) power playing poker Mardi Gras (3. (2006/01/21 10:25)
The site manager succeeded before dawn of the 20th in beginning the beating of the jackpot (highest post) with Tres Amigos of Club Dice Casino. The disbursement prize is $2,500 (250,000 yen). The other day's Mr. N Intabi though up to now, there was not playing excluding the review purpose. (2006/01/20 22:42)
NETeller widely used as a payment means of an online casino started the payment service by the inland banks transfer. The credit card not only is refused in an online casino but also it is refused even to NETeller. (2006/01/20 22:41)
Page composition on the page of the game introduction was greatly changed. The number of games crowded 300 or more the one link each other and divided a lot of pages into page 1 in each game type because it was hard to see. It is ..suitable.. . in both the list according to software and the list according to the casino. (2006/01/20 21:55)
It is housewife N in one's thirties that cooperated in the interview of an Online Casino Press this time. The gambling experience of the past : by play in pachinko about once a month. However, after the child can do by the story until the child can do, it : for a long time. (2006/01/20 18:05)
Club Dice Casino introduced the software of the version that PlayTech is new. Therefore, become 95 all games as an arcade game and a new slot, etc. become complete, and in the PlayTech system exceeding 88 games of USA Casino that promptly introduces new software. (2006/01/20 00:19)
The site of USA Casino of experimental existence of the Club Dice Casino system known by promptly introducing a new technology and the new game, etc. changed completely. The woman of the navigator is explaining variously at the right of the screen. They are other casinos on a past example one by one. (2006/01/19 02:48)
Imperial Casino reveals a new model of the video slot is introduced in January in the newsletter. 「Very unique video slot. Details cannot be revealed yet. 」It makes it. It is ..full ability.. ..possession.. . for the video slot. (2006/01/18 01:14)
January, 2006 of Torident Tribune was issued from Trident Group. The content is plenty this month. The total winning bed of the trident group including s Casino and King Neptune 'Trident Lounge Casino in fiscal year 2005 reached one billion dollars (100 billion yen). (2006/01/18 01:10)
CryptoLogic of which it had a rough going to the page of the jackpot list from which the amount of the jackpot of the total game of all software was seen in bulk was added. The remainder only leaves the PlayTech system by this. It is possible to do with complete FLASH on the official site and yes. (2006/01/16 00:22)
The game review of the game with the progressive jackpot of the following CryptoLogic systems was added. Especially recommended is Coral CashDolphin KingMr. RichNorthern LightsSalsaShoot-O-RamaSirens Coral Cash. This absolutely though written in the review. (2006/01/15 23:59)
Apparently, the jackpot seems to have gone out to Gold Rally of the video slot with the progressive jackpot of the PlayTech system (Gold rally). It has returned to an initial value of one million dollars or less exceeding 1.7 million dollars and now yesterday. ... (2006/01/14 00:10)
It was announced that InterCasino Japan would present BMW Z4 to the player to which the first progressive jackpot had been acquired with Millionairs Club (Mirioneazcrab) this year as an additional prize. Zipang Casino of last year at the end and Club Dice Cas after this year. (2006/01/14 00:01)
The Paout rate of USA Casino in November, 2005 was announced. Did not the Club Dice system announce Paout even to the announcement for October?It comes here and a prompt announcement seems to have begun to be performed though it became silent by solving and seeming. Well, this month. (2006/01/13 23:59)
The screen where the amount of the jackpot of the total game of all software was seen in bulk was prepared though the progressive jackpot was displayed on the page of each game review. Please see the page of the jackpot list. Present Sa. (2006/01/12 23:30)
Gold Rally of the video slot with the progressive jackpot of the PlayTech system (Gold rally) has already exceeded 1.7 million dollars. After beginning to beat the last 200 million yen, a player all over the world is enormous amount of.. ..last time.. Jaccpo. grow up at a little period (2006/01/12 22:33)
EPassporte is paid to attention as a new payment means. It is the excellent one that can be used in all on-line shoppings that VISA besides the casino that VISA can use (all substance) can use in the one being able to say that ePassporte is a virtual VISA card of the prepaid method. ... (2006/01/11 23:48)
Amount..for a a time..hold..outline..announce.The next holding is February 2nd 14:59 from 15:00 on February 1 in Japan standard time. The participation condition is $100 or more while the race is held. (2006/01/11 23:32)
It was announced that Casino On Net did Kinotornament in 24 hours from January 30th 15:00 to January 31th 14:59 at the United States east part the 30th and Japan standard time of January in time. "100 dollars. " in the winner very. It is an unpleasantness, and tournaments fairly made a rush mat callus dust ball (^^;. (2006/01/11 23:19)
It was announced that Casino On Net did the following loss compensation to the loss of $150 or more for 24 hours from January 30th 15:00 to January 31th 14:59 at the United States east part the 29th and Japan standard time of January in time. $150 or more is received: $30 refund $300 or more is received by the $150 defeat: It is $300 defeat and $60 Ca. (2006/01/11 23:14)
Casino On Net announced the holding outline of the roulette tournament of 17,500 dollars in total including victory prize $7,500 dollar. The holding period is two days in total from January 27th 15:00 to January 28th 14:59 at the 27th and Japan standard time from the United States east part January 26 in time. The participation condition is holding the event. (2006/01/11 23:08)
Casino On Net announced the holding outline of the twenty-one champion league of 40,000 dollars in total including the victory prize 10,000 dollars. The holding period is six days in total from January 20th 15:00 to January 26th 14:59 at the 24th and Japan standard time from the United States east part January 19 in time. The rule is Iben. (2006/01/11 22:56)
It was announced that Casino On Net would give the bonus of $30 by collecting the bonus-point 30 points by receiving $100 or more on January 12. The site is from 03:00 to the United States east part timetable record at accurate time ..up to January 14th 14:59 it.. ..(.. on January 13 in Japan standard time. (2006/01/11 22:50)
Casino On Net announces VIP event this month. The prize is a travel of total $40,000 and an American west coast to metropolitan San Francisco. The United States invites two winners to San Francisco by the pair by the departure next June. Customer who goes with winner. (2006/01/11 22:42)
The guess that the online version pinball-style slot machine can play in an online casino by the end of this year has gone out. One of the answers already exists though to what form uncertain. ..".. the Great Bear in which it boasts of full popularity in pinball-style slot machine field. (2006/01/11 01:05)
A real-time display of the amount of the progressive prize of the Grand Virtual system was mounted. It is possible to see from the game review. Because PlayTech consists of Flash when a technical story is told for a moment, the code is copied and merely put. (2006/01/11 00:33)
The Paout rate of 32Red Online Casino in November, 2005 was announced. 98.44% is suppressed to low this month though playing poker achieved excess by 100% in October last month. It becomes in the vicinity at the end of fiscal year and the concentration of the player has cut. (2006/01/10 00:23)
Four game reviews of following CryptoLogic were added. 20,000 It is a video slot of five reels of all LeaguesBarnyard BoogieCongo BongoCool Bananas. Only the one seeming ..Japanese.. to receive it equipped with the bonus and the fleece pin function. Recommended is especially 20 times. (2006/01/09 23:42)
If the post is hit, it doesn't ask an online casino and all Dons and prizes in the place are disbursed in the slot also in the land casino. Ultimateness is a jackpot. The super-large amount of money prize of 100,000・200,000 and hundred million unit at times is payment at a dash. (2006/01/09 23:17)
Hosoki several child are from the new year. A story alone that not is related to at all : with the fortune-telling of six Hoshiuranajuts. The name "Patriotically-minded man" is suitable. It flows out to foreign countries the capital of Japan and though the appearance of collapsing ‥‥ Japan in 30 another years to flatter the good-looking man is disgusted. (2006/01/09 01:25)
It was announced that Club Dice Casino would hold promotion that the new car of mustang GT convertible hit from today to the end of February. One lot right item of each amount $50 of payment is acquired. After the deadline of the end of February, lot is executed. To an English site still now. (2006/01/08 19:56)
"cstart.exe" of programs of the software of Imperial Casino turned out and it turned out that the "Adware" virus and it was mis-detected, and the quarantine processing was done by the anti virus software made by the Symantec company in the state of initialization. The file is not deleted with quarantine. (2006/01/08 01:40)
The $30 match was developed as the second of the fixed amount match following the $10 match at this year end and new year. The result was improved. It honestly became tired this time. The difference between pleasure and sadness gets excited too much with take the memo serious because there are a lot of numbers of hits. (2006/01/08 01:22)
Imperial Casino executed the up-grade of software including the lobby screen. It is not necessary to download it newly. It is possible to access from "Menu" under the left of the screen to various settings and information and in a new lobby. (2006/01/07 21:04)
In Imperial Casino, the mini minicomputer test of the idea of promotion is recruited and beginning is recruited greatly. It is each Cage as for the idea that can be achieved within the range of adult common sense like a tournament method that the player in Japan can enjoy and an early one winning system, etc. (2006/01/07 19:18)
The tournament of new game "Jurassic cash" released in December, 2005 will be held in January 10th - January 31th. It is . in the player who bet a lot of amounts of money ‥‥ it.. though assumes the tournament in Imperial Casino. (2006/01/07 18:57)
It is an article ..the idea of Caunting.. and Cauntingsoft of the starting twenty-one close. Month of one of aim of tens of thousands of times and software that is statistical taking but tries and derives unique value from probability theory neatly. At last, it shows it. (2006/01/07 00:14)
The thing that the monthly bonus of 32Red Online Casino changes from $32 to $50 was received, and the review was changed. Were there a lot of voices of the user "Small amount" though chic was felt in halfway $32?(2006/01/06 22:43)
32Red Online Casino announced that the monthly bonus was assumed to be $50 in January, 2006. The casino name was offered and, up to now, the monthly bonus of origin and wanting do $32 had been offered. The strategy of the bonus amount increase is understood in case of $100 at a dash. (2006/01/06 22:31)
The Paout rate of Kiwi Casino in December, 2006 was announced. The video playing poker has exceeded 100%. The video playing poker system is keeping a high as usual rate. The playing poker house is earnings according to the report of foreign countries that exceed the casino house. (2006/01/06 22:29)
There is no one difficult as stop. in the meantime so Zlzl and the defeat.. .."... (2006/01/04 13:24)
The game review of Millionaires Club of CryptoLogic was added. The bonus system is a peculiarity person though the game is a slot of a simple one line three reel. The bonus of a step-up method gets excited more than externals. (2006/01/04 13:01)
King Neptune 's Casino announced the execution of "Reel of luck" promotion. $50 or more is received on Thursday on Monday every week, and ten people of January are chosen at random from among the player that plays $250 or more every day. The player splendidly elected. (2006/01/02 13:15)
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